Cozy Cool Ridge Cottage:

Wifi: There is wireless internet available. The network name is Suddenlink.netE250 and the password is 244142012564.

Childproofing: We have included several items to make staying here with a us easier when you have small children. We have put plug protectors in the kitchen drawer for anyone that wants to use them. We have included a child lock for the kitchen cabinet below the sink. Finally, we have installed a child safety gate at the top of the stairs that lead to the basement.

Games: We have added games and puzzles to our condos to give your whole group something to do when you’re not out enjoying wild and wonderful West Virginia.

Parking: There is parking along the road as well as around behind the cottage. Contact us if you have any questions.

Safety items: The cottage has smoke alarms and a carbon monoxide alarm installed. There is also a fire extinguisher in the cabinet below the kitchen sink.